Sushree Patnaik


10x Health, Wealth & Relationships

Have it all using the S.E.M.B.U method of manifestation
You won't find it on Google or Youtube


Free Webinar for Women

10x Health, Wealth & Relationships​
Have It All Using The S.E.M.B.U Method Of Manifestation
( You Won't Find It On Google or Youtube )​

Join Sushree, a Women Empowerment Coach, for a free webinar and learn the tools & mindset to manifest your dream life. Sushree is trained under some of the best mentors of the world and has touched the lives of hundreds of women in her journey.


do you face any of these 6 problems?

Self-Doubt Struggles


You struggle with self-doubt, fear, or lack of confidence?

Work-Life Balance


You are tired of feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life for your professional goals, or vice versa?

Juggling Responsibilities


You feel like you're constantly juggling multiple responsibilities and struggling to find balance?

Burnout Blues


You have experienced burnout or exhaustion from trying to do it all?

Major Transitions


You are you facing a major life transition, such as a career change, divorce, or health issue, and feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of starting over?

Identity Disconnect


Feeling like you've lost touch with who you are and what you want out of life, perhaps due to major life changes or the demands of others.

Almost every woman is facing 1 or more of these 6 challenges, but there is a solution. By joining our webinar, you will gain access to the tools and strategies you need to break out of these patterns. Don't let these struggles hold you back any longer. If you are ready to take your life to the next level and become the empowered version of yourself, Sign up now and take the first step towards a fulfilling and lucrative career in health.

Who Should Attend This Webinar?

Are you a woman who's ready to break free from self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs? Do you want to learn practical strategies for empowering yourself and achieving your dreams? If so, you won't want to miss this exclusive webinar designed just for you!

( who wants to unleash their purpose beyond home )

( who wants to conquer
work-life balance )

( Who want to embrace new beginnings after divorce or retirement )

( who want to Pursue Career Success and Personal Growth )

( Who wants to Restart and Reignite Their Careers )

( women who want to build Authentic Connections and Support )

Get Amazing Bonuses Too!!

Join WhatsApp Group on Next Step to receive these bonuses.

Ebook - "The Manifestation Blueprint"

Worth ₹ 499/-

1-1 Call with Sushree Patnaik

Worth ₹ 2,499/-

Revolutionary Guided Meditation

Worth ₹ 1,999/-

(& Get Access to Bonuses worth ₹4,997/- for free 🤩)

the 6-steps to flawsome path!

Sushree has developed a revolutionary six-step model that has already been implemented by many women with great success. By attending this webinar, you will learn how to apply this model to your own life and see results in just 90 days. Don't miss out on this opportunity to empower yourself and take your life to the next level that you deserve. Sign up for the webinar now!


Step 1

Unleashing Your Inner Superpower: The Importance of Self-Awareness and Self-Worth


Step 2

Breaking Free from the Matrix: Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs


Step 3

Visualise your dream: Develop a clear vision of what you want your life to look like and create a plan of action by breaking down your goals into small, achievable steps.


Step 4

Positive Mindset techniques: Learn techniques to reframe your mindset and focus on the positive aspects of your life.


Step 5

The Magic of Manifestation: Techniques for Using the Law of Attraction to Create Your Dream Life & Using Ho ‘oponopono to raise your vibration


Step 6

From Struggle to Success: Get inspired from Real-Life Stories of Women Who Transformed Their Lives Using These Steps


About Your Coach

Sushree Patnaik

Hey, I am Sush, a Dreamer, Fitness Enthusiast and an Ex-Perfectionist.

From a stay-at-home mom for 16 years to becoming a Women Empowerment Coach, I am now on a mission to empower women to embrace their flaws and evolve into their awesome version. #BeFlawsome

I am the founder of Be Flawsome School and through my coaching, training and programs, I help women overcome their limiting beliefs & manifest a life of purpose & abundance.

One of the things I am often asked is, “Why did I decide to become a Women Empowerment Coach?”

To live a life that is free, authentic and joyful and impact as many women around the globe to live their empowered, authentic and abundant life.

And I intend to bring thousands of women together with a unified voice to create the ripple effect to make this world a beautiful place for each one of us.

I’m here to help you avoid the invisible traps that is keeping you overwhelmed, unfulfilled and unhappy. Whether you want to let go of insecurities that keep you from achieving your goals, heal emotional trauma, improve your most important relationships or take your life to a whole new level, I can help.

I’m here to make a difference and help you create a life that is free and empowered.

3 Secrets You Will Learn In This Webinar

Frequently Asked Questions

Join Sushree in this 90-minute interactive webinar, where you’ll learn how to empower yourself to live a life that you always wanted to. You’ll gain insights into the top 6 challenges faced by women and how to address the root cause of each. You’ll also receive a proven 6-step game plan for getting clarity, overcoming your limiting beliefs and get empowered to design your life your own way.

This LIVE Webinar will be conducted via Zoom. Once you register for this session, you will be invited to join a private WhatsApp group and we will share the LIVE Webinar link in that WhatsApp group.

Before the session, ensure that you have stable internet connection, a notepad and pen nearby for taking notes. Additionally, it is recommended to log in to the session from a laptop for a more enhanced visual experience as Sushree will be sharing her PPT and take you through some exercises for understanding the concepts better.

This LIVE Webinar is highly interactive!

As it is a LIVE session, no recordings will be available.

Absolutely! You will receive an email 24 hours, 1 hour, 30 minutes and 5 minutes before the LIVE Webinar begins.

As the participants are from all across the world, English would be the preferred language.

This webinar is specifically designed for women including homemakers, working women, students, however men are welcome to join if they are facing similar struggles.

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